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Optimize Personal Performance

Optimize Personal Performance

Athletic Operations - Based Out of Boise, Idaho. Inspired with the Outdoor Sport Culture Surrounding the Pacific Northwest We are a concept dedicated to optimizing personal performance. Everyone is an athlete in their own way and we provide training for individuals and groups using Conventional and Innovative techniques for Athletic, Health and Wellness and Tactical purposes. We instruct all people and levels helping them through their journey to peak strength in the body and mind. Please contact us at athletic.ops@gmail.com or call 208-880-1681 regarding -Personal Trianing -Strength and Conditioning -Sport Specific Skills Development -Health and Wellness planning -Online Coaching


Exercise Op of the Week


athletic operations in action

Athletic Operations Team

- I am a NASM CPT and PES certified trainer and former NCAA Div 1 Athlete in multiple sports for Idaho State University. Apart from my experiences competing in college and elite athletics, I have years of experience working with coaches and athletes at the Olympic and professional level. My mentors and coaches have taught me not only how to be an elite level athlete, but to develop them as well. I am currently pursuing my own professional status as a triathlete in Boise, Idaho and training others to achieve their own optimal personal strength.

Practice Makes Perfect

By: Athletic Ops
Rule of thumb across the spectrum of activities and skills is that you need 10,000 hours of practise to become an "expert" at perf...
Finding Balance

By: Athletic Ops
I had a client come up to me during a group running session and he had asked me a very unique question that I can only imagine not too many ...
The Perfect Diet? Part 2

By: Athletic Ops
Picking up where we left off, dieting is crucial to performance and extremely controversial in practice. Choosing the perfect way to eat and...
The Perfect Diet??? Part 1

By: Athletic Ops
Diet is always a sketchy subject to write about. There are so many options and methods to accomplish goals, and it gets extremely confusing ...
More Than 1 Step

By: Athletic Ops
"The best pace is a suicide pace, and today looks like a good day to die." -Steve Prefontaine I place a lot of focus talking abo...
Overcome the Odds

By: Athletic Ops
There's a lot of talk right now about the New Year Resolutions, and all the reasons why you wont stick to a fitness program or compete y...



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